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5 techniques for smooth concrete floors

Techniques for Smooth Concrete Pouring

Concrete slab, yard, parking lot floor pouring must take into account the quality and strength of the concrete, able to withstand water as well because it will make the concrete floor last longer, not crack, and save the future repair costs. Currently, concrete pouring has modern tools that help pour concrete faster and more efficiently.


Parking Lot Floor Pouring


Techniques for pouring concrete

1. Calculate the size of the area and level the soil evenly both in the house and around the house. If the ground level is uneven, it will cause the concrete floor to rise and crack.

2. Measure the thickness of the area at different angles to estimate the amount of concrete for pouring enough for continuity.

3. The smooth concrete slab must be primed with sand and reinforced concrete to hold the concrete together and prevent cracks. Concrete should be poured in no more than 2 hours from the time of mixing and should be poured at once because if not done it may cause the concrete to not blend and have no firmness.

4. After concreting, the concrete floor can be smoothed by using a channel pipe.

5. Determine the seam area to reduce the stretch and shrinkage of concrete.

From the above-mentioned concrete pouring techniques, this is just a basic technique for pouring concrete. If you want to easily pour concrete with a cheap, smooth concrete floor, T&N Concrete 2010 Limited Partnership is happy to provide cheap concrete pouring services with more than ten years of experience by a professional team.

T & N Concrete 2010 Limited Partnership provides cheap concrete slab services, cheap concrete distribution, cheap quality concrete slab pouring, starting at only 1,400 baht per cubic meter. Guaranteed work by experienced technicians and work directly for the contractor. Guaranteed price and quality of work with contractors for pouring concrete floors, pouring car park floors, pouring multipurpose courtyards, pouring market floors, pouring concrete roads, pouring the ground floor, pouring the sports ground floor, pouring Folk, and general concrete floor pouring, compacted floor adjustment, concrete floor contracting with contractors directly. Big jobs, small jobs, we accept them all.


Pouring concrete floor starting price
- Thickness 10 cm. 280 baht
- Thickness 12 cm. 320 baht
- Thickness 15 cm. 380 baht
- Thickness 20 cm. 450 baht
**This price is only for Bangkok and surrounding areas**



Contact us at
T & N Concrete 2010 LTD., Part.
Call: 065-032-9902